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Strategic Planning for Not for Profits

Author Ken Tysiac, in a recent article published in the Journal of Accountancy, cites seven strategic planning tips for not for profits articulated by Bob Mims, CPA, CGMA, controller and director of investments at Ducks Unlimited and Mary Legakis Engle of The Management Group. The seven tips are:

  1. Pick a strategic-planning team.
    The team should represent the whole entity.
  2. Choose a team leader.
    This person should be able to bring the group together, and everyone should be comfortable sharing with this person.
  3. Build consensus on the team.
    Everyone’s thoughts must receive careful consideration with the goal to develop fundamental objectives.
  4. Keep objectives simple.
    They should be understandable and achievable.
  5. Move toward a business plan.
    Develop metrics for reaching successful objectives.  
  6. Implement the plan.
    Everyone must be responsible for their roles. Communication is very important.
  7. Establish accountability.
    Cooperation is necessary between different departments.

At Brickley DeLong, we work with a variety of non-profits. These seven tips, while simple, can be difficult to achieve, but are very important to the success of the non-profits goals and objectives.

At our Firm, we have internal committees, and I believe that these seven tips extend beyond non-profits. Following these seven steps help us achieve success in our different areas of the business as well.

To read the original article, click here.For more information on strategic planning for not-for-profits, please contact Eric Van Dop at (231) 726-5855 or

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