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IRS Relaunches Get Transcripts Online

The IRS has just announced that its “Get Transcript Online” site is now available for taxpayers to access a copy of their tax transcripts and other documents that summarize important tax return information.

This service was disabled last spring after hackers gained access to hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ sensitive information. However, the IRS states that it has been relaunched with a new, more secure structure.  The new framework features a two-step authentication process for all online tools and applications.

According to the IRS, to use the Get Transcripts Online, a taxpayer must have:

  • A readily available email address;
  • Your Social Security number or Individual Tax Identification Number;
  • Your filing status and address from your last-filed tax return;
  • Access to certain account numbers for either:
    • credit card, or
    • home mortgage loan, or
    • home equity (second mortgage) loan, or
    • home equity line of credit (HELOC), or
    • car loan
  • A readily available mobile phone. Only U.S-based mobile phones may be used. Your name must be associated with the mobile phone account. Landlines, Skype, Google Voice or similar virtual phones as well as phones associated with pay-as-you-go plans cannot be used;
  • If you have a “credit freeze” on your credit records through Equifax, it must be temporarily lifted before you can successfully complete this process.

For more information on this IRS feature, please visit the IRS website, or contact Brian McFarren at (231) 726-5815 or


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