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Top Tips for Success at Career Fairs

For Brickley DeLong, fall marks our season of campus recruiting. Every year we partner with local colleges and attend their accounting recruiting nights, looking for full-time staff accountants and interns. This is a very fun and exciting time of year as we look forward to meeting so many qualified accounting prospects. As a student, these nights can be very stressful and you attempt to woo the different recruiters. I would like to offer a few tips for a student to stand out at these events.

Dress professionally

Public accounting is a professional field; therefore, a suit is ideal. Make sure your clothes are wrinkle-free. Males – consider adding a vest or a stand-out tie to your attire. You may be surprised on how this can help a recruiter remember you. Women – do not wear gaudy jewelry or too much makeup. Dress modest; but, try to stand out. Many wear black suits at accounting recruiting nights; consider wearing grey, tan or navy.

Develop your pitch

There is nothing more frustrating as a recruiter than when a prospect comes to talk to you and is unprepared. Come ready and practice beforehand. I cannot stress this enough. This illustrates confidence. State who you are, what you are looking for, and what makes you qualified. Remember, this is a critical time where you are truly “selling yourself” to a Firm.

Do your research

When I ask you, “Do you know anything about our Firm?” or “What appeals to you about our Firm?”, you should have an answer. Before attending the fair, find the companies that you are interested in, and Google them. Visit their website, social media pages, or find an article about the firm. Then, take notes. Use this information when talking to the recruiter. For example, “what interested me about your firm is your active involvement in the community, such as…” This proves your interest in our Firm. Remember, culture is extremely important. A person can get a glimpse of a company’s culture through visiting the company’s sites.

Say thank you

Sending a “thank you” to a recruiter shows you are appreciative that we recruiters attended, and that we took the time to learn about you and discuss opportunities. There is debate on whether one should send a handwritten thank you, or an e-mail. Personally, I would prefer an e-mail. Because recruiters meet so many people, they are likely to get together right after the fair and choose their top picks. By the time you send a letter, a decision could have already been made. Send e-mails that night. And, bring up something that the two of you discussed so that he or she remembers who you are.

These are just a few tips to help you excel at career fairs. For more information on recruiting at Brickley DeLong, please contact or visit our accounting career pages.

Author: Jennifer Kloosterhouse