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Next Generation Conference – April 29 and 30

Brickley DeLong is excited to announce that this coming April, we will be partnering with one of our CPAmerica International firms, Mueller CPAs, in hosting a Next Generation Conference for members of our two firms. Mueller is located in Chicago, IL. The day and a half event will take place in Muskegon, MI, with a full-day discussion on topics such as: personality profiles, embracing generational differences, networking, business development, and goal setting. In addition, the seminar will include a panel of partners from the two firms.

This event inspiration stemmed from a recent CPAmerica Emerging Leaders Conference attended by staff members from over 25 firms, including Brickley DeLong and Mueller. The goal of the seminar is to not only discuss generational differences, but to discover the similarities between age groups, and find optimal communication techniques to benefit all.

“Today, there is a unique occurrence with five different generations in the workforce”, stated Timothy Arter, Brickley DeLong’s Managing Partner.   “It is our hopes that this seminar will encourage discussion among next generation leaders critical to the two firms, and that the partnership with Mueller may bring about new ideas and accountability among the future leaders of the two firms.”

Kerry Halloran, from Brickley DeLong PC and Chris Gent, from Mueller CPAs are co-chairs of the planning committee.

“One of the unique things about this Next Generation Conference is that it’s being planned by a committee of the next generation of leaders from each of our firms; so, we are choosing the topics that we feel are most important to us at this stage of our professional careers.  We are excited that our two firms are able to work together to plan this conference and begin to develop relationships that will continue with us as our careers progress.”

The conference will take place April 29-30, 2015. The first day will consist of dinner and networking amongst firm members, and the second day will be a seminar at the Grand Valley’s Michigan Renewable Energy Center.

To learn more about Brickley DeLong PC and our Next Gen initiatives, please contact us at (231) 726-5800 or comment below.