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An Accounting Internship Experience at Brickley DeLong

As a prospective accounting graduate, it is highly encouraged for students to obtain an accounting internship while working towards the completion of their degree. I was most fortunate to land a tax season internship in the Grand Rapids office at Brickley DeLong PC.

From my first impression of Brickley DeLong, it was clear that the employees were welcoming and friendly. I had the opportunity to tour the office, before actually starting my internship. This eased me into the position, and gave me an idea as to what my office space was going to be like, as well an initial meeting with some of my coworkers. It was not long before I felt like I was one of the staff.

When I began my orientation, the firm was clear and concise about my responsibilities. As a student, I had been taught much to prepare me for the profession; however, actually seeing and applying what I learned was a process. Throughout my internship, I had to lean on the support of staff and their experience with situations I had not seen before. The firm’s open door policy was extremely beneficial for me as an intern; partners and staff were always willing to answer my questions – despite it being busy season. My supervisors made a special effort to not just answer my questions- but to make sure I understood why the answer was correct. They were not afraid to challenge me in my work and gave me more complex returns when I felt ready.

I am happy to say that my internship at Brickey DeLong went better than I ever could have expected. This can be attributed to the firms’ knowledgeable and supportive professional staff.

For more information on recruiting and hiring at Brickley DeLong PC, please visit our career pages or contact Christine Dill, or (231) 726-5835.