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How CFOs Can Keep Up With Ever-Changing Technology

As a partner at Brickley DeLong with over twenty years’ experience in the profession, I have witnessed both our firm, as well as clients, and CFOs struggle to keeping up with the ever-changing technology.  “Moore’s Law” states that computing power doubles approximately every two years. This can cause strain on businesses managers, as it is essential to keep up with these fast paced changes.

In a recent article in the CGMA, author Jeff Drew, discusses seven tips for keeping up with technology changes, which are:

  • Hire financial staff with strong technology knowledge
  • Interact with in-house staff and/or outside consultants who are trusted technology experts
  • Attend conferences featuring sessions on current and emerging technologies
  • Set up RSS feeds with specific technologies as keywords
  • Join and become active in technology user groups
  • Collaborate with CFOs at other companies that use the same technologies
  • Meet with fellow CFOs to discuss technology issues

What has your business done to keep up with changing technologies? To read the article referenced above, click here.


Brickley DeLong is a West Michigan Accounting Firm, offering personalized accounting services with offices in Muskegon, Hart, and Grand Rapids, Michigan.