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Interview at Brickley DeLong

Author: Calvin VanderWal, Intern

Ever since high school, I knew I wanted to work in a field related to business. Everything about the business world intrigued me, and I could not wait to learn more about it during my college years at Central Michigan University. Knowing I was skilled with the understanding of numbers, I declared Finance as my major during my freshman year of college. After two years of business classes and discussions with my peers, I switched my major to Accounting. Following many peoples’ recommendations, I became involved with an accounting organization on campus, and it only increased my interest in the accounting profession.

Involvement in the accounting organization sparked my interest in the public accounting world, as there seemed to be a plethora of opportunities through public accounting firms. I was first exposed to Brickley DeLong through a friend from high school, whose parent was a partner at the firm. Having no recruiting presence at Central Michigan, I had never heard of Brickley DeLong before. I decided to give them a shot, and I eventually landed an interview with them for a summer internship.

My interview at the Muskegon office was a few hours long, and I met with various partners and staff. I learned about the history of the Firm, what the future holds, and what kind of work I would be participating in, among many other topics. Every partner I interviewed with was welcoming and friendly, and the discussions seemed more like conversations than question and answer, which made the interview go quickly. I could tell during the interview that this firm could be a good fit for me. My interview ended with the Firm Administrator giving a tour and answering any other questions I had.

An hour or two after the interview, I received a call from the Firm Administrator extending me an official internship offer. I was ecstatic and went on to accept the offer.

For more information on recruiting and hiring at Brickley DeLong PC, please visit our career pages or contact Christine Dill, or (231) 726-5835.