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Five Tips of Employment: #4 Dress the Part

Author: Christine Dill

Welcome to the fourth of our “Five Tips of Employment” blog series. This blog series is aimed at offering different tips on selling yourself to an employer and landing that dream job.

Tip #5: Dress the Part

Wondering how to present yourself at a professional business interview? When you have the opportunity to meet with a company, it is important to understand that prospective employers are watching every move you make. Whether it is at a career fair, on-campus interview or office visit, employers are trying to determine if you are a viable candidate for their business.

More dressed up is better than less (unless you are told otherwise). Professional dress means a proper business suit. This shows that you are interested and ready to start work. We employers recognize that a proper suit can be expensive. So, try to have at least one “interview” suit. With accessories you can change the suit look, even if you have to meet with the same person twice. This is an investment in your future and should be a staple in your closet. If needed, try searching second hand stores. Many times, you are able to find gently used, yet still fashionable suits for a lower price.

Also, pay attention to your personal hygiene. Use minimum makeup, light cologne, and avoid perfumes. These items can distract the interviewer and turn away their focus from you, “the candidate”; and, it could cause them to start thinking about you and your personal habits.

You always want to Dress the Part to show that you are ready and eager to start your career.

Stay tuned for one more employment tips. For information about our careers or to learn more about professional wear, please visit our career pages, or contact Christine Dill at (231) 726-5835 or