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Five Tips of Employment: #5 Be Prepared

Welcome to the last of our “Five Tips of Employment” blog series. This blog series has been aimed at offering different tips on selling yourself to an employer and landing that dream job.

Tip #5: Be Prepared

The statement “Be prepared” is a well-known motto of the Boy Scouts and an important motto for your career. Every time you begin the interview process, you need to approach a potential employer and make sure it counts.

You have no idea how may resumes or applications that employer has received.  So, when you get the opportunity to present yourself, especially in person, you need to be prepared to talk about the person you know the best – YOU!

Review your personal inventory; remember that you have a great deal to talk about.  Also, do not forget to include why you are such a good fit for their business (reciting some of the information you have gleaned from their website).

Think about your strong points.  Why should this employer should hire you?  Be prepared to offer details and examples that demonstrate your strengths.

Be ready to handle tough questions.  There are a plethora of sample interview questions readily available on the Internet. Review these questions and make sure you have answers – this helps so you do not have to “think on your feet”, but rather have quick responses with examples.

Depending on what has happened in your life, the interviewer might observe:

  1. Your many job changes in a short period of time,
  2. Your large gaps between jobs,
  3. That you are currently unemployed, or
  4. An education change.

You do not want to sound rehearsed; but, present your answers in a way that the interviewer will consider you for the position.  Take the time to get your thoughts together and Be Prepared.

For more information about our careers, or to learn more about preparing for interviews, please visit our career pages, or contact Christine Dill, (231) 726-5835 or

Author: Christine Dill