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Job Placement

We are all aware that trying to find the right person to fill a position within your company can be both strenuous and time-consuming. Brickley DeLong is here to help. We offer job placement services through our Department of Human Resources. At Brickley DeLong we know your business and your needs, making us a natural fit when you begin a search for the “right” person.

With our services, we allow you to be involved as much or as little as you like, and we work around your schedule to find the top candidates for your needs. We understand the hassle of creating job postings, phone inquiries, reviewing endless resumes, and managing the first interview process. Our services offer you the opportunity to select your “open position” without facing these disturbances so you may continue your business uninterrupted. Through our job placement you are also given the chance to keep your business name and contact information anonymous until the final steps of the interviewing process if you so choose.

Our step-by-step process includes:

  • A meeting with you to gain a complete understanding of the position you want filled and a job description (we can draft this if you do not have one)
  • A visit to your office site to get an understanding of your environment and office culture
  • Development of a job advertisement and placement in selected online job listings specific to the target audience of your choosing (print listings available if requested)
  • Phone interviews with qualified candidates and a narrowed selection of 10 candidates
  • Office interviews with the top 10 candidates – these will be held at the Brickley DeLong offices. (Interviewees are informed that Brickley DeLong is interviewing on behalf of their client – client name will not be released at this point.)
  • The selection of the top 3-5 solid candidates for your final review/hire. Final interviews may be held at your site or the Brickley DeLong offices.

Position categories we work with:

Financial – accountant, bookkeeper, CFO, payroll clerk, payables clerk, and any other position within the financial field.

Administrative – receptionist, office assistant, office manager, secretary, administrator, clerical help, personal assistant, typist, associate, or any other position within the administrative field.

For more information please contact:

Ellen L. Rusco
Firm Administrator
221 W Webster, Suite 400
PO Box 999
Muskegon, MI  49443-0999
P: 231.726.5842