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Did you know?

The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) states that all compensation an employee receives from an employer in “any form” constitutes wages subject to employment taxes unless specifically excluded.  Examples of “taxable” fringe benefits include: gifts of $25 a year (this includes company logo items), prizes won at company function (summer parties, Christmas parties, etc), bonuses for exceptional work, etc.

Help for Farmers

Due to the late frost last April, much of Michigan’s apple, cherry, and peach crops were destroyed. A new package of bills being introduced this week should give fruit growers and processors access to a five-year low interest loan administered by banks and agricultural lenders.

For more information and to see where this information came from, click on the link below.

Brickley DeLong Manager Passes CFE Exam

Brickley DeLong is pleased to announce we now have a Certified Fraud Examiner on staff! We celebrate with Manager, Edward Elsner, CPA, CFE on his completion of the CFE Exam and are excited about the opportunity to expand our services for our clients.

Accountant Passes CPA Exam

The Brickley DeLong team congratulates accountant Elizabeth Labrecque for passing all four sections of the CPA exam. Elizabeth has been with the firm since September 2011, and we are thrilled to watch her exceed in her career path as a CPA. Passing the CPA exam is crucial to help our clients in every way possible.  All of our CPA graduates continue their education as much as possible.

CPA Firm Promotions

Brickley DeLong is excited to announce several promotions within the CPA Firm. These promotions reflect the hard work and accomplishments of these individuals.

  • Brian McFarren, CPA has been promoted to Partner. Brian has been with the CPA firm since 1993 and specializes in both Tax and Audit.  He is a QuickBooks ProAdvisor and is a very active part of the School, Single Audit and Tax Committees. Brian’s strong leadership, technical skills and his commitment to the profession and loyalty to the Firm are all attributes which have contributed to his promotion.
  • Terry Maycroft, CPA and Eric Van Dop, CPA have both been promoted to Senior Manager in the CPA Firm. Both have shown a strong dedication to their work and a desire to excel. As Senior Managers they will focus on increased client responsibilities, niche and specialty development, and building their network community.
  • Andrea Schultz has been promoted to Senior Accountant. As a Senior Accountant, Andrea will increase responsibilities and her roles on engagement assignments.

We commend all four for their dedication and accomplishments.

Brickley DeLong Announces Merger with Grand Rapids Accounting Firm

Brickley DeLong is pleased to announce the merger of the Grand Rapids CPA Accounting firm Vereecke, Simescu and Associates, PLLC into Brickley DeLong, P.C. effective December 1, 2011. We welcome partners Thomas Vereecke and Martin Simescu, managers Patricia Hernandez and Valerie Lewis, accountant Elizabeth Labrecque, Carla Bartman and associates to our accounting firm. We believe this collaboration will enable us to better service our existing clientele as we expand our depth of services, niche industries, and expertise in tax, audit, accounting, valuation, and business consulting services.




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