Do you reimburse employees for their work-related travel expenses? If you don’t, you should consider starting. If you do, make sure you’re using a tax-efficient method.
Acquiring another business? All too often, as parties talk sales price and deal structure, many tax issues fall by the wayside. Be sure to include tax planning in your deal negotiations.
After 10 years in the field, a remodeling contractor had worked on quite a few jobs. Some had been set up as fixed-price contracts and others had been performed on a cost–plus basis. Looking to improve his company‘s financial performance, he asked his CPA to review the pros and cons of both formats and to recommend the best approach.
“Both types of contracts can work if you have a reasonable client with clear and realistic expectations,“ she began. They both agreed, however, that this ideal situation wasn’t always the case.
Further info required
Under a fixed-price arrangement, the contractor establishes a set price for the job regardless of the actual time and materials used. This type of contract requires a detailed and accurate estimate. The CPA advised the contractor to:
- Assess his confidence in his own estimates,
- Examine the calculations he was using to forecast job costs, and
- Arrive at an appropriate markup to cover over head and profit.
In addition, he needed to re-examine his change order process.
When you have sufficient information going in, a fixed price contract will ensure that you‘ll be compensated adequately. It also gives your client the assurance that his or her budgeted amount will get the job done, barring any major changes (which is why it’s important to have a good change order process in place).
On the other hand, the CPA said, it‘s risky to submit a fixed-price bid and sign a contract when too many details remain unspecified. Clients repeatedly ask to set a price before specific fixtures and finishes are decided, for example. So the contractor is continually at risk for underestimating and losing money. Again, it comes down to whether the contractor can establish detailed specs at the outset.
Costly disputes
On a cost-plus job, the client agrees to pay job related expenses plus an additional percentage or lump–sum amount to cover overhead and profit. When only limited information is available at a project ‘ s outset, this approach allows the contractor to bill for actual costs incurred rather than having to estimate ahead of time.
The CPA noted that, in the past, cost-plus arrangements have enabled the contractor to find the best prices on building assets –saving clients’ money. She also noted that the company has experienced several expensive and time-consuming customer disputes. Thus, the contractor needed to evaluate whether the fallout from these conflicts was worth the greater pricing flexibility.
Better approach
In this case, the contractor and CPA were able to go back several years and, using historical company data, perform a cost-benefit analysis for both approaches. They decided that, because of his advanced estimating methods, fixed–price contracts were likely better. But this may not be the case with every construction company. •
In the construction industry, most of the day-to-day action takes place in the field. So it’s only natural that contractors are eager to find mobile apps for smartphones and tablets that can help them work better.
Developers have responded with a wide range of products designed to suit a variety of job functions. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should rush out and download everything under the sun.
Big picture vs. small
For decades, traditional software companies have worked hard to develop comprehensive, integrated packages for contractors in areas such as project management, financial analysis and reporting, and fleet management. Many of these products have become useful front-office tools; however. They don’t always adapt well to a mobile platform.
For this reason, some of the most useful construction apps focus on specific tasks. When shopping for mobile solutions, think carefully about which aspects of your jobs could benefit from the enhanced data efficiency offered by today’s apps.
3 hot areas
There are many different types of construction apps available at the moment. But three of the hottest areas right now are:
- Safety management. These can facilitate job site inspections by providing both standard and customizable checklists as well as audit report templates. Some products can feed information directly into your company’s main database to help you integrate safety data with other project factors. Others facilitate safety training by recommending topics and documenting meetings. Some safety apps are free; others charge a modest fee for premium services. Various options are available on either the iOS or Android platform. Try the search term “construction safety inspection.”
- Tool tracking. Products in this category typically work with bar codes or RFID tags that are affixed to each tool and used to record who has a tool and for which job it’s being used. The solution maintains a record of who’s responsible for the asset at any particular time. It can also track rented tools so you can charge back rental costs to the appropriate project and return the items promptly when the rental period ends.
Again, various products are available on iOS or Android. Try the search terms “tool tracking” or “tool tracker.”
- Field management. Does your company need a quick and easy way to handle more comprehensive project management functions using smartphones or tablets? If so, these apps facilitate timely communication between field and office staff. They enable field personnel to keep jobsite diaries, take pictures, report employee and equipment time, and log material quantities used. These apps may particularly benefit smaller businesses and subcontractors who haven’t invested in a large project management system. Several different apps are on either iOS or Android. Start searching with the term “construction project management.”
Careful shopping
The cost of most construction apps is usually nominal. So it’s generally inexpensive to give one a try. But you’ve still got to be careful about disrupting your operations by implementing an app that your company isn’t ready to use. So shop carefully and proceed with caution. •
Treating transfers of money between a closely held business and its owners as loans can provide tax advantages. But the IRS looks closely at such transactions, so it’s critical to establish that the transaction is truly a loan by 1) executing a promissory note, 2) charging a reasonable rate of interest, 3) establishing and following a fixed repayment schedule, 4) securing the loan using appropriate collateral, 5) treating the transaction as a loan in the company’s books, and 6) making reasonable efforts to collect in case of default. Contact us for more details.
Transitioning your company to a successor means becoming a mentor. As such, you’ll have to communicate clearly, be patient and know what you’re trying to accomplish. For starters, identify various ways to pass along your knowledge. Consider, for instance, a formal training program. Have your successor work in each business department or area. Also, encourage him or her to join trade associations and network with executives in your industry and others. Please contact our firm for more help maximizing the effectiveness of your succession plan.
Many businesses operate as C corporations so they can buy and hold real estate just as they do equipment, inventory and other assets. But this can be a costly mistake: If the real estate is sold, any profit is subject to double taxation, first at the corporate level and then at the owner’s individual level on distributions. If real estate is held instead in a pass-through entity, such as a limited liability company (LLC), and then leased to the corporation, profit on a sale of the property is taxed only once, at the individual level. Contact us for details.
Years ago, all a business owner needed was a big, leather-bound ledger on the desk. These days, regularly upgraded accounting software is a must. Why? As a system ages, bad data can build up and adversely affect financial reporting. Ever heard the term “garbage in, garbage out”? It’s true. In addition, by regularly upgrading your accounting software, you may be able to identify better ways to manage expenses and handle internal controls. Let our firm help you set a budget for regular upgrades and choose the products that best suit your company’s needs.
It’s unclear whether tax reform will be passed this year, so let’s look at three midyear business tax strategies inspired by the last major tax law, the PATH Act of 2015: 1) Buy equipment. The PATH Act preserved generous limits for the Section 179 expensing election and the availability of bonus depreciation. 2) Ramp up research. After years of uncertainty, the PATH Act made the research credit permanent. 3) Hire workers from “target groups.” The PATH Act extended the Work Opportunity credit for such hires through 2019. Contact us for details on these breaks.