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Muskegon Lakeshore’s “Future 15”

The ‘Future 15’ are celebrated and recognized as up and coming young professionals that are making a difference along the Muskegon Lakeshore. The public is allowed to nominate anyone under age 40 who lived or worked in Muskegon County and excelled within their places of employment and in the community.  There were about 50 nominations that came in this year. There is a six-member panel that whittled down the nominees to a list of 15 up-and-coming leaders.

Kerry Halloran, supervisor and CPA, was recently named a Muskegon Lakeshore’s “Future 15”. Muskegon has a very close business community.  According to the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce, this list is compiled of up and coming young professionals in the area. selection committee in Muskegon consisting of seven young professionals that were among the 2013 Future 15 award recipients, determined who this years ‘Future 15’ would be.  She was recognized at the Business After Hours Event held at the USS Submarine Museum in Muskegon on June 19. See attached flyer for more details.

2014 Future 15 Flyer 2 – Jun)

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