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Brickley DeLong Next Gen Conference

By June 28, 2016August 5th, 2020No Comments

Author: Elizabeth Kramb

Following tax season, select Brickley DeLong employees had the opportunity to travel to Chicago for our second annual “Next Gen Conference”. The conference is held in conjunction with Mueller LLP, a fellow CPAmerica International firm. Our two firms have teamed together to create an annual conference to pave a path for future leaders through relationship building and continual leadership development.  The conference highlights each firm’s commitment to helping up-and-coming leaders grow independently and within the firms.

This year’s emphasis was on leadership and bridging the gap of generational difference. Some takeaway’s from this year’s conference:

  • “We have a great group of people who are really interested in pushing this conference to its limits”
  • “The Next Gen conference is a great opportunity to learn and develop my leadership skills so I can rise quickly within my firm”
  • “I really enjoyed attending the Next Gen conference this year.  It was an eye opening experience recognizing our subconscious thoughts about different generations and very helpful to learn how to conquer some of those pre conceived notions and really get work done”
  • “The Next Gen conference helped me identify how to better communicate with my peers in other generations than myself.  I learned that sometimes, I need to stop typing and pick up the phone, especially when working with Baby Boomers!”

The goal of this next gen initiative is to equip staff with the opportunity to advance in their careers, as well as promote a healthy firm culture. We are excited to see where this initiative will lead us!